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You are viewing 12 articles with the tag "sdk sample" and author "Lorant (Softland)"
View all articles (reset filter)Java PDF creator (Word OLE) - SDK sample
The Word OLE (Java) SDK sample is a basic Java console application that converts a MS Word document (in this sample the default location for the source document is C:\temp\test.doc) to PDF using Word OLE automation and j-Interop along with novaPDF.
Hello World (C#) - SDK sample
Hello World CSharp sample is a simple Windows console application that prints one page with the *novaPDF says Hello World from C#* text to the novaPDF.
It demonstrates the basic use of the INovaPDFOptions interface. The printing job is made using the package "System.Drawing.Printing"
Hello World VBNet - SDK sample
Sample how to print a *"Hello World"* pdf file from VB.NET using novaPDF Printer.
VBNet Converter - SDK sample
This SDK sample shows how to convert an existing file to PDF by using the
function in Visual Basic.Multiple printers SDK sample
Multiple printers sample is similar with the Temporary printer sample but it uses several threads.
Temporary printer SDK sample
Temporary printer sample is similar with Hello World sample but it uses temporary printers. It demonstrates the use of
and DeleteNovaPrinter
.Word OLE VBNet - SDK sample
Sample VBNet app that converts a MS Word document to PDF using OLE Automation.
[novaPDF SDK] SetDefaultPrinter doesn't work after RestoreDefaultPrinter is called
novaPDF isn't set as the default printer after calling RestoreDefaultPrinter() function.
[novaPDF SDK] - I want to change novaPDF printer option settings, do I need novaPDF SDK for that?
Do I need novaPDF SDK to change printer options? Can I generate pdf files without the notice on the bottom of the pages mentioning novaPDF?
[novaPDF SDK] - If I set an option value via COM, will that be persistent, or will the option be reverted when the program terminates?
If I set an option via COM, that be persistent after the program terminates?
[novaPDF SDK] - Do I have to open or activate a profile before trying to set an option for the printer driver?
Do I need to activate a profile when I need to set its options via COM object?