Convert a MS Word document to pdf using Word OLE automation.
The Word OLE CSharp sample is a simple Windows console application that converts a MS Word document (C:\Test.doc) to PDF using Word OLE automation. This can be a part of a larger application that works seamlessly with the novaPDF SDK development.
Note: To be able to use the samples you must install novaPDF SDK as samples work only with it. Download it here: nova PDF SDK.
Source code
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Printing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// the novapiLib package must be added as a COM reference
using novapiLib80;
namespace Hello_World_CSharp
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Class1.
/// </summary>
class Class1
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
public static string PRINTER_NAME = "novaPDF SDK 8";
public static int NOVAPDF_INFO_SUBJECT = 68;
public static string PROFILE_NAME = "Test C# OLE";
public static int PROFILE_IS_PUBLIC = 0;
public static uint NV_PROFILE_EXISTS = 0xD5DA0006;
public static uint NV_NO_ACTIVE_PROFILE = 0xD5DA0028;
static void Main(string[] args)
// create the NovaPdfOptions8080 object
NovaPdfOptions80 pNova = new NovaPdfOptions80();
// get the active profile ...
string activeProfile = "";
string _newProfileID = String.Empty;
// initialize the NovaPdfOptions8080 object
// if you have an application license for novaPDF SDK,
pNova.Initialize(PRINTER_NAME, "");
pNova.GetActiveProfile(out activeProfile);
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
// ignore profile exists error
if (NV_NO_ACTIVE_PROFILE == (uint)e.ErrorCode)
System.Console.WriteLine("The printer does not have an active profile");
// more serious error, propagate it
throw e;
//add a new profile
pNova.AddProfile(PROFILE_NAME, PROFILE_IS_PUBLIC, out _newProfileID);
//load the new profile
// and set some options
pNova.SetOptionString(NOVAPDF_INFO_SUBJECT, "C# Hello document");
// save profile
// set the copy profile as active profile ...
// set nova default printer
// initialize OLE usage in novaPDF
// create Word application object
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word._Application WordApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
WordApp.DisplayAlerts = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone;
// license OLE server in novaPDF
// initializations
object objMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
object objTrue = true; object objFalse = false;
object strFile = @"C:\temp\test.docx";
// create Word document object
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word._Document WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Open(ref strFile, ref objFalse, ref objTrue,
ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing,
ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing,
ref objMissing);
// print document
WordApp.ActivePrinter = PRINTER_NAME;
WordDoc.PrintOutOld(ref objFalse, ref objFalse, ref /*refRange*/objMissing, ref objMissing,
ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing,
ref objFalse, ref objMissing, ref objMissing, ref objMissing);
// close Word objects
WordDoc.Close(ref objFalse, ref objMissing, ref objFalse);
WordApp.Quit(ref objFalse, ref objMissing, ref objFalse);
WordApp = null;
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
catch (Exception e)
// restore active profile
if ((activeProfile.Length > 0) && (activeProfile.CompareTo(PROFILE_NAME) != 0))
// restore default printer