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Word OLE Visual Basic - SDK sample

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Feb 25, 2019

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Word OLE VB sample is a simple Windows console application that converts a MS Word document (*C:\Test.doc*) to PDF using Word OLE automation. This sample demonstrates how to convert the existing Test.doc sample by printing it to novaPDF SDK Printer.
Note: To be able to use the samples you must install novaPDF SDK as samples work only with it. Download it here: nova PDF SDK.

Source Code
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

' the novapiLib and novapiLibDemo packages must be added as a COM reference
Const PRINTER_NAME As String = "novaPDF SDK 8"
Const PROFILE_NAME As String = "VB Word OLE"

' The main entry point for the application.
Public Sub Main()
	On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

	' create the NovaPdfOptions object
	Dim pNova As New NovaPdfOptions80
	Dim sOldActiveProfileID As String
	Dim sNewProfileID As String

	' initialize the NovaPdfOptions object to use with a printer licensed for SDK
	pNova.Initialize2 (PRINTER_NAME, "")

	pNova.GetActiveProfile2 (sOldActiveProfileID)

	' create new profile
	On Error Resume Next
	pNova.LoadProfile2 (sNewProfileID)
	' and set some options
	pNova.SetOptionString2 NOVAPDF_DOCINFO_SUBJECT, "Test OLE document"
	'save profile changes
	'set as active profile for printer
	pNova.SetActiveProfile (sNewProfileID)

	' set nova default printer
	' print word document
	Dim objWord As Object
	Dim objDoc As Object
	pNova.InitializeOLEUsage "Word.Application"
	Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
	Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("C:\Test.doc", False, True)
	objDoc.PrintOut False
	objDoc.Close False
	objWord.Quit False
	' restore default printer
	'restore default profile
	If Len(sOldActiveProfileID) > 0 Then
		pNova.SetActiveProfile2 (sOldActiveProfileID)
	End If
	'delete newly created profile
	pNova.DeleteProfile2 (sNewProfileID)

	Exit Sub
	Debug.Print Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description
End Sub