The Outlook presets section allows you to use predefined presets for sending out an email with the generated PDF attached via Outlook. These presets allow you to define custom options for sending emails via Outlook. A preset can be used by multiple printing profiles and whenever a preset is updated, it will be modified automatically in all profiles that use it.

Manage presets
This will create a new preset based on the default one. You can change its settings and use the Save button to record your changes and create the preset. It is created only after you click on the Save button, if you click on Cancel or select a different preset the current one will be discarded.
This allows you to duplicate an existing preset. To do so, just select an existing preset and click on Copy. Unlike the New option, when you copy an existing preset the duplicate is automatically saved with a different name (original name of the preset plus the word Copy ). Removing the original preset doesn't affect in any way the existing copy of it.
Deletes the preset selected from the list of presets. You cannot delete the default presets that are included in the application.
You can use the left/right arrows in the top-right section of the window to navigate back to the profile manager page or forward to the preset window. You can also access quickly the presets by clicking on the Profile text next to the navigational arrows and selecting the preset section you want to read more about.
Presets List
When the novaPDF is installed, a default set of presets is included for each section that uses presets. These presets have predetermined unchangeable settings that are taken into consideration when creating the PDF files.
However you can create custom presets based on the default ones that when used, will create PDFs using the options you've chosen. In novaPDF there are two types of presets, private and public:
- Private presets. A private preset is visible only to the current user. By default new presets are created as private and only the users from the computer where it was created will be able to see it and use that preset in their profiles.
- Public presets. Public presets are visible from all client computers (or other users on the same computer) that connect to and print via the computer where they are defined (the printer server). When a public preset will be used, all the settings from that preset will be propagated to the client computers.
This list shows the presets (both private and public) that were defined. The icon on the right of the preset name shows what type of it is (public or private). You can filter the shown profiles by starting to type in the search field and also use the Public/Private checkboxes to filter them by type.
Default Presets
The default emails presets are automatically included in the application and available right after installation. These are presets created based on the most used scenarios for this section. You also have the option of sending out a Test email to see how it works.
Open Outlook
If this preset is used, after the PDF is generated the application will start Outlook and attach the PDF files to a new email. The email will not be sent automatically.
Send using Outlook
This preset is included as an example to show how you can send a generated PDF automatically with Outlook. You will need to make a Copy of it and then fill in the From/To email addresses, as well as the Subject/Body fields. The generated PDF will be attached to the email by default.
You can type a name for the default preset you are editing/creating.
Add a description for the default preset you are creating/editing.
Optionally you can set the author for this default preset.
Private preset
When the novaPDF is installed, a default preset is created. This preset uses its own default printing settings to create the PDF files. However you can change those settings and create a custom preset, that when used, will create PDFs using the options you've chosen. For each newly defined preset you can choose to have it as Private or Public by checking or unchecking the Private checkbox.
Open window before sending
If this option is selected, Outlook will be opened and the generated PDF will be attached automatically to a new email. The email will not be sent out automatically.
Send without opening window
You can enter in there the From/To email addresses as well as Subject/Body, and an email will be sent automatically after the PDF is generated (with it attached).
Add from/to/cc/bcc email addresses for the email that will be sent out.
You can configure the following email header properties:
- From address. This will show as the sender of the email (i.e. it can be your own email address)
- To email addresses. This is where the email will be sent out to, you can add multiple email addresses by separating them with semicolons (;).
- CC email addresses (use semicolon to add multiple addresses)
- BCC email addresses (use semicolon to add multiple addresses)
This is the subject of the email to be sent out. You can use macros to add automatically variables based on what PDF is being created. The following macro items can be added:
- [N] - The name of the document being converted
- [T] - The title of the document as defined in the Document section
- [B] - The subject of the document as defined in the Document section
- [A] - The author of the document as defined in the Document section
- [YMD] - Date in the format YYYYMMDD (year, month, day)
- [Y] - Year in the format YYYY
- [M] - Month in the format MM
- [D] - Day in the format DD
- [HIS] - time in the format hhmmss (hour, minute, second)
- [H] - Hour in the format hh
- [I] - Minute in the format mm
- [S] - Second in the format ss
- [C] - Counter in the format cc (it begins with 01 and increases at each printed document, if a file with the same name exists in the save folder)
- [W] - Workstation
- [U] - User name
This is the body of the email to be sent out. You can use the same macros described above to add automatically variables based on what PDF is being created. If you are using SMTP or Outlook to send the emails, you can enter HTML content for the body of the email and preview it too. MAPI does not support HTML, only text.
Attach PDF
This option is checked by default and attaches the generated PDF file to the email that it sends out. If unchecked, an email will still be sent out but with content only (eventually with other files attached if using the Attach other files option).
Attach other files
Checking this option will let you choose other files to be attached to the email being sent out. You can add files using the Add Files... button or by writing directly the path to the file(s) you want attached. If you want to quickly remove multiple files from this field, you can use the Delete All button.
Ignore missing files
If this option is set, before sending the email the application will add the files as attachments only if they exist.
Zip email attachments
If this option is selected, the PDF file will be compressed first and the resulting zip file will be attached to the email. If the option to attach other files is selected, then all files (including the generated PDF) will be zipped in a single archive and attached.
Change zip extension to
Some email clients block certain types of attachments, thus if you want to be sure the email is delivered with the attachment you can choose to change the extension of the attached file. Commonly the extension can be changed to.txt, and the recipient will rename it back to zip in order to extract the files. You can choose to change the extension from zip to any other type, by writing a new extension in the combo field near this option (there's no need to add "." before the type of extension, only the extension name).
Protect attachments with password
The zip attachment can be protected with a password for increased security (the PDF in the ZIP can also be password protected).
Outlook has support for email categories, so you can enter in here the label of an existing category.
By default emails will be sent with a Normal importance. You can however change that to High, and Outlook will add a red flag to the email marking its importance. You can also reduce the importance to Low (no notification will be shown in Outlook).
The Sensitivity option is a feature included in Outlook that will mark differently the emails that should be Private or Confidential. By default emails will be sent with a Normal sensitivity. These are the available sensitivity options that will be detected and used by Outlook:
- Normal - no sensitivity level is assigned to the message. Therefore, no text is displayed in the InfoBar.
- Private - the recipient sees Please treat this as Private in the InfoBar.
- Personal - the recipient sees Please treat this as Personal in the InfoBar.
- Confidential - the recipient sees Please treat this as Confidential in the InfoBar.
You can also set other email options supported by Outlook:
- Add default signature for account - If this option is selected, the default Outlook signature that you have set will be included in the email that will be sent
- Request delivery receipt - you will receive a notification once the email has been successfully delivered.
- Request read receipt - you will receive a read receipt from the recipient after the email is opened.
- Do not allow Forward - the email you send cannot be forwarded (not all email clients support this feature)
- Do not allow Reply - the email you send cannot be replied to (not all email clients support this feature)
- Do not allow Reply All - the email you send cannot be replied to (not all email clients support this feature)
- Delete after send - the email will be deleted after it is sent (so it will not be stored in the Sent folder).
Note: Some of the features mentioned on this page might not be available in your edition. The Professional edition includes all the features, while Standard and Lite have limited functionality. For a comparison between editions, please check feature matrix topic.