When creating a PDF file we use a lower PDF version in order to maximize Adobe Reader compatibility, so by default novaPDF will create PDF 1.5 files. Additionally, novaPDF supports pretty much all the PDF versions available starting from 1.4 until the latest version.
novaPDF supports pretty much all the PDF versions available starting from 1.4 until the latest version.
- PDF 1.3 (compatible with Adobe Reader 4.x and above)
- PDF 1.4 (compatible with Adobe Reader 5.x and above)
- PDF 1.5 (compatible with Adobe Reader 6.x and above)
- PDF 1.6 (compatible with Adobe Reader 7.x and above)
- PDF 1.7 (compatible with Adobe Reader 8.x and above)
- PDF 2.0 (compatible with Adobe Reader X and above)
In order to change the PDF version for the documents you're converting, follow these steps:
- Open Start->Devices and Printers (in Windows Vista simply Printers). In the Printers list, right-click on novaPDF and select Printing Preferences.
- Go to the Profiles tab, select the profile for which you want to change the PDF version and click the Edit button.
- In the Options section you have a PDF version drop-down where you can select a different PDF version. After you've selected a different one, press OK to close the Edit Profile window and OK again on the main novaPDF Printing Preferences window to save your change.
Note: The option to change the PDF version is available only in novaPDF Standard (Desktop/Server) and novaPDF Professional (Desktop/Server), it's not available in novaPDF Lite.