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Presets: Upload - FTP


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Mar 22, 2022
novaPDF 11.x
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The FTP presets section allows you to configure FTP servers where the generated PDF (or a custom one) will be uploaded once the conversion is done. A preset can be used by multiple printing profiles and whenever a preset is updated, it will be modified automatically in all profiles that use it.


Manage presets


This will create a new preset based on the default one. You can change its settings and use the Save button to record your changes and create the preset. It is created only after you click on the Save button, if you click on Cancel or select a different preset the current one will be discarded.


This allows you to duplicate an existing preset. To do so, just select an existing preset and click on Copy. Unlike the New option, when you copy an existing preset the duplicate is automatically saved with a different name (original name of the preset plus the word Copy ). Removing the original preset doesn't affect in any way the existing copy of it.


Deletes the preset selected from the list of presets. You cannot delete the default presets that are included in the application.


You can use the left/right arrows in the top-right section of the window to navigate back to the profile manager page or forward to the preset window. You can also access quickly the presets by clicking on the Profile text next to the navigational arrows and selecting the preset section you want to read more about.

Presets List

When the novaPDF is installed, a default set of presets is included for each section that uses presets. These presets have predetermined unchangeable settings that are taken into consideration when creating the PDF files.
However you can create custom presets based on the default ones that when used, will create PDFs using the options you've chosen. In novaPDF there are two types of presets, private and public:
  1. Private presets. A private preset is visible only to the current user. By default new presets are created as private and only the users from the computer where it was created will be able to see it and use that preset in their profiles.
  2. Public presets. Public presets are visible from all client computers (or other users on the same computer) that connect to and print via the computer where they are defined (the printer server). When a public preset will be used, all the settings from that preset will be propagated to the client computers.
This list shows the presets (both private and public) that were defined. The icon on the right of the preset name shows what type of it is (public or private). You can filter the shown profiles by starting to type in the search field and also use the Public/Private checkboxes to filter them by type.

Default Presets

The default emails presets are automatically included in the application and available right after installation. These are presets created based on the most used scenarios for this section.

Upload to FTP server

This preset is included as an example, you will need to make a Copy of it and then fill in the FTP server and other details so that the file will be correctly uploaded. You can have the generated PDF or a custom PDF file uploaded to a specific folder on the server.



You can type a name for the default preset you are editing/creating.


Add a description for the default preset you are creating/editing.


Optionally you can set the author for this default preset.

Private preset

When the novaPDF is installed, a default preset is created. This preset uses its own default printing settings to create the PDF files. However you can change those settings and create a custom preset, that when used, will create PDFs using the options you've chosen. For each newly defined preset you can choose to have it as Private or Public by checking or unchecking the Private checkbox.

Source file

You can select the PDF file to be uploaded via FTP. It can be either the original PDF that was generated, or one located in a custom folder:
  • Original PDF. This will use the PDF you generated as the source of the upload.
  • Custom PDF. Browse for the custom PDF file that you want uploaded after the current PDF gets generated. If it is located on a network drive, you can enter an Username/Password to access that location. You can use Macro variables to automatically fill a file name.

Destination file

You can select the destination folder on the FTP server where the PDF will be uploaded. If the entered folder does not exist, it will be created on the server. If no destination folder is set, a folder using the name of the PDF file will be created.

Server name or IP

In this field you have to enter the name or IP address for the FTP server.


In this field you have to enter the port number if different than the default FTP port (21).

User name

If this is a private FTP server (no anonymous access allowed) you have to enter the user name for your account.


In this field you can enter the password for the FTP server. There are FTP servers that allow anonymous access (public FTP servers). You can connect to these types of FTP servers using as user name Anonymous and your email address as password. It is not recommended to upload important PDF files to public FTP servers.

Timeout (seconds)

You can set the time interval (in seconds) that is allowed for no data transfer before the transfer operation is interrupted and must be resumed. Default is 15 seconds.

If FTP server not ready

The first number (Retry option) indicates how many times the application tries to access the destination server if it is not available. By default this option is set to 1 attempt. The second number (wait option) indicates how many seconds to wait between two consecutive attempts to access the destination location. By default this option is set to 60 seconds. This option is useful when the destination FTP server has restrictions (i.e. only 2 users logged in the same time, no. of accesses etc.) and insures that if the FTP server cannot accept your connection, it will not be "hammered" by sending log-in requests frequently.

SSL encryption

Indicates the level of Transport Layer Security (TLS) required for control channel and data channel connections to the FTP server.

Use passive mode for transfers (like WWW browsers)

Each file transfer needs an additional connection for the data stream. Normally (in active mode), the server establishes this connection. In passive mode, however, the client establishes the connection. This may be necessary through some firewalls, which do not allow connections from outside.

Upload Speed

If you activate this option, the upload speed will be limited to what you enter in the field below the option.

Use proxy

Check this option if you use a proxy to connect to the FTP:
  • Enter the Host name or IP for the proxy server (firewall) and the other
  • Host port. Enter the host port number in this field. By default, the port number is set to 80.
  • User name/Password. This field is used to enter the proxy user name and password.
Note: Some of the features mentioned on this page might not be available in your edition. The Professional edition includes all the features, while Standard and Lite have limited functionality. For a comparison between editions, please check feature matrix topic.