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Word OLE VBNet - SDK sample

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Feb 25, 2019

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Sample VBNet app that converts a MS Word document to PDF using OLE Automation.
Word OLE VBNet sample is a simple Microsoft Windows console application that converts a Microsoft Word document (an example path for the document would be *C:\Test.docx*) to a PDF using Word OLE automation and the novaPDF SDK application.
Note: To be able to use the samples you must install novaPDF SDK as samples work only with it. Download it here: nova PDF SDK.

Source Code
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports novapiLib80

Module Module1
	'    <summary>
	'    The    main entry point for the application.
	'    </summary>
	Const PRINTER_NAME As String = "novaPDF SDK 8"
	Const PROFILE_NAME As String = "Word OLE VBNet"
	Const PROFILE_IS_PUBLIC As Integer = 0
	Const NOVAPDF_INFO_SUBJECT As Integer = 68

	Sub Main()

		' create the NovaPdfOptions80 object
		Dim pNova As NovaPdfOptions80
		pNova = New NovaPdfOptions80
		Dim activeProfile As String = ""
		Dim newProfileID As String = String.Empty

		' initialize the NovaPdfOptions80 object
		' if you have an application license for novaPDF SDK, 
		pNova.Initialize(PRINTER_NAME, "")
		' save old active profile id
		' create new profile
		pNova.AddProfile(PROFILE_NAME, PROFILE_IS_PUBLIC, newProfileID)
		'load the new profile
		'and set some  options
		pNova.SetOptionString(NOVAPDF_INFO_SUBJECT, "C# Word OLE document")
		'set the copy  profile as active profile ...
		'set nova default printer
		' print word document
		Dim objWord As Object
		Dim objDoc As Object
		objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
		objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("C:\temp\test.docx", False, True)

		' restore active profile
		If activeProfile.Length > 0 AndAlso activeProfile.CompareTo(PROFILE_NAME) <> 0 Then
		End If

		' restore default printer
	End Sub
End Module